#### Project creation form - Ruche - Mesocentre Paris Saclay #### # Note : to open a project send this form to ruche.support@universite-paris-saclay.fr and your lab referee # The project will be opened when validated by your lab referee ## Identity of the project referee firstname= lastname= email= # group : name of the lab hosting the project if CS/ENS/UPsaclay, or # "teaching" for a training session, # "mdls" if Maison de la Simulation. group= ## project project_shortname="" title=``` ---- project title here ---- ``` ## Description of the project (scientific goals, planned usage of the mesocenter...) description=``` ---- project description here ---- ``` ## Supports : if the project receives support (ANR, competitiveness cluster, European or other...), indicate the nature of this support as well as the duration and the amount. supports=``` ---- supports description here ---- ``` ## Resources : Indicate the job profile targeted for this project (number of cores, memory per job, storage needed...), softwares/libraries necessary to execute the codes (example: FFTW, HDF5...). resources=``` ---- resources description here ---- ```